
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Savin' Lives

I'm going to tell you a secret about WMTA Executive Director Rick Hert. Are you ready? Move in a little closer... He's a blood-giving rock star. No really, our ever-modest leader has donated blood 199 times. Yes, that would be nearly 25 gallons. If that's not impressive, I'm at a loss for what is.

Post-poke: Kelly, Me & Rick
Last month, Rick inspired Kelly and me to give as well during a Michigan Blood Drive sponsored by our friends over at Pure Michigan. While squeezing away and filling our pints, we got to talking about what an exciting event it will be when Rick makes his 200th donation. Then we had a brilliant idea.

Another little WMTA secret: Kelly and I think we have brilliant ideas just about every day. This time, dare I say, we struck gold. For WMTA's 95th Anniversary, let's get 95 donors. A few phone calls to our West Michigan pals, and the idea became an event.

Ladies and gentlemen, please open your hearts and your veins with WMTA for our first ever blood drive! If you are in the Grand Rapids area on October 17, head over to the JW Marriott between 10 am - 6 pm to help us reach our goal. We'll be hanging out in Ballroom C. Even better, you don't have to worry about parking downtown since donors can park for free at the JW's parking garage.

If you're one of the first 95 donors to register, you'll receive a Grand Rapids Culture Pass and a half-pint of chocolate milk from Country Dairy. If you read this blog regularly, you know that for Kelly and me, this is like a dream prize pack. I just about fall over myself for all things art (have you seen the line up for the Grand Rapids Ballet Company this year? Amazing!) while Kelly could very well be Country Dairy's number one fan. I think between the two of us, we've been to Moo School six times (and we're going again later this month!).

Yes, we're all a-buzz here at the WMTA HQ. Between blood drives and What's your thing?, there's certainly much to be excited for. Mark your calendars, and we'll see you next month!

High five,



  1. That Rick Hert is a amazing man. 25 gallons of blood has saved so many lives. I wish I could be there in oct. to see him give on his 200th visit. Oh in case I didn't mention it Rick is my little brother and I am very proud of his paying it forward way of thinking.

  2. You are a good man Mr. Rick!!! G.R. is 3 hours away or I would be there also.
