
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A longtime favorite, the Alpine Tubing Park at Shanty Creek is moving to the resort’s Summit Village for the coming winter season, and the new setting changes more than its view.

Beginning in winter 2014/15, alpine tubing will be atop Summit Mountain behind the resort’s Lakeview Hotel where its majestic views of Lake Bellaire will be on display. The new location will also provide guests with easy access to the hotel’s conference center restrooms and the Lakeview Restaurant.

“Being close to indoor amenities will definitely be a benefit for many guests,” says Steve Kershner, Director of Snow Sports at the resort.

And for many winter guests of Shanty Creek Resorts, Alpine Tubing Park is a crowd favorite. While skiing and snowboarding are the major draws, alpine tubing is where a lot of childhood excitement is shared by both children and adults alike.

“Unlike skiing or snowboarding,” Kershner adds, “tubing requires no athleticism or technique. It is essentially sledding except here you don’t have to walk back up the hill!”

That’s because a new 275ft magic carpet at Summit Mountain will allow guests to ride back up. “It’s like the moving walkways at most major airports,” says Kershner. In the past, tubes were pulled back to the top with a handle tow. “The new magic carpet will be a big improvement.”

The new and improved Alpine Tubing Park is among a number of big changes planned for the coming winter season at Shanty Creek. To review all of the improvements, visit for videos and a list of FAQs.

About Shanty Creek Resorts
Shanty Creek Resorts is a four-season destination resort and conference center in northern Michigan spanning 4,500 acres across three distinct villages: Summit, Schuss and Cedar River, each with lodging, dining, golf and downhill skiing and cross country trails. Located in Bellaire, Michigan, among the chain of lakes region, and just 31 miles northeast of Traverse City, Shanty Creek hosts special events, conferences and weddings, SCR is an award-winning property with accolades that include Best Service by readers of Michigan Meetings + Events, and among the “Top Golf Resorts in the World” by Conde Nast Traveler.

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